Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ocean Sunset 2

Ocean Sunset 2
18 x 24 acrylic on canvas

Well, I competed this seascape painting without painting over it. Added more definition to the waves and highlights which gave more movement. The dramatic sky was left untouched.
In the previous post I spoke about how I start on a project and my hands seam to take over, which leads to a totally different painting. Once the paint hits the canvas it takes on a whole new life. If this happens to you, go with the flow you may be surprised. 

Ocean Sunset 1

18 x 24 Acrylic on canvas
Ocean Sunset 1

I'm working on a new painting! I went in a totally different
direction from the original thought and ended up with a sunset at sea. Very often I see things happening while I'm
painting and it takes me to a new place, I just go with it.
The plan was to paint a sea scape but much more ominous, surprise! Sometimes I think I have a split personality and my hands take over.
Should have this finished soon and then I'll give it another try on the other project, lol.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Frosty Moon

Frosty Moon
18 x 24 Acrylic on canvas

For all the Moon and star gazers November the full moon is known as "Frosty Moon" It's the smallest view since it is the furthest distance from the earth. Jupiter was around 10 o'clock
from the moon which I did not add to this painting.
I was standing in the middle of Walmart parking lot, drawing this scene of the clouds passing buy the moon. Even though the moon was at it's smallest the bright glow lit up the night sky.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Countryside art exhibition, Nov. 2012

Check out the link above, Countryside art exhibition. View all the paintings and photos which placed.
My art work "Country Rain" was awarded special recognition out of 455 entries, I was very happy to have been chosen.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Stand Strong

                                                 "Stand Strong"  12 x 24 Acrylic on canvas

  My thoughts and prayers go out to all effected by Hurricane Sandy, especially those on Staten
Island my home town. Born and raised in New York, I know that New Yorkers are proud, strong and resilient. I dedicate this painting " Stand Strong " to you.
  The Palm tree can survive the worst of storms and the highest of winds. Their trunks bend but
remain standing; their roots run deep for support and help it become stronger; its heart allows it to thrive when under attack.
           Palm trees and New Yorkers have a lot in common - they prevail threw any storm.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Country Rain

Country Rain
22 x 28 Acrylic on canvas

   It's a hot summer day in Florida and the forecast calls for scattered showers. It's raining across the street from where your standing, your still dry and in sunlight. That's a typical day in Florida.

   Driving on Route 70 which runs east to west across Florida there are acres and acres of farmland. Green pasture as far as you can see.

   Cows and egrets are plenty but I never took the opportunity to take photos or sketch the scenes of country living. Well, as you can see I finally got the chance to capture images and transfer them onto canvas. It was worth stopping and taking in all the great things that are around us.
If you are interested in purchasing a print of this art work please click on the link below.
<a href="" style="font: 10pt arial; text-decoration: underline;">country scene paintings</a>

I entered this painting into an online contest in Oct. which was sponsored by Light, Space and Time Gallery. Nov. 1st I received the results and was very pleased, there were over 400 entries from around the world, my painting received Special Recognition. Check out this online gallery, click the link below.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cool Waters

"Cool Waters"
18 x 24 Acrylic on canvas

   Once again this is my interpretation of Eagle Falls, Emerald Bay. As you can see I was greatly impressed with this beautiful area. 

    I removed a tree which was in middle of the picture and there was also a small tree growing out from the boulder in the center of the falls.
   There is a lot going on in this painting and did not want to over do it.
The fresh blue water rushing from the mountains, cascading over the many layers of rock,
making it's way down towards Emerald bay. This is what I wanted to capture. Focus your eyes at the beginning of the water fall and follow it down, it seems like it's really moving.

<a href="" style="font: 10pt arial; text-decoration: underline;">landscape paintings</a>


18 x 24 Acrylic on canvas

   This painting was developed from piecing together a few elements. The building and the Crape Myrtles were actually from a trip I took to Baton Rouge, LA.  I rearranged a few things to make a more pleasant seen.

   I needed to add more to this scene and felt that an empty bench was not enough. My wife is a avid reader and can be found in this pose most of the time. This made it easy for me to capture with that look of being totally committed to the story.

   The shade that was made by the tree left sunlight dancing on the walls and ground. What a great place to sit and enjoy a good book and fresh air.

Big Blue

"Big Blue"
22 x 28 Acrylic on canvas

  This is my interpretation of Lake Tahoe in July.
I was standing very close to Eagle Falls, Emerald Bay when I photographed a similar scene.

   Usually the main object in your painting has the most definition, I got carried away with most of the scene due to the overwhelming beauty.

   What really caught my eye was the tree on the left. The reddish bark and the greyish twisted branches were awesome. The branches seemed to be pointing towards all the scenery. There is so much beauty in this area I could of painted for hours on end and still not capture all there is to see.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

White Fir Tree

White Fir Tree
24 x 36 acrylic on canvas
Inspiration for this painting came from a trip I went on to Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe.
The " V " shape trunk of this enormous tree with the twisted chaotic branches just had to be painted. The branches get there shape from the hard winters where the wind, ice and snow slowly twist and turn them. This tree had a lot of character and I chose to paint the mid section to show the many directions of the branches.